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Implementation of business intelligence (BI) systems


Originating in ordinary reports, having gone through a long period of maturation in the form of clumsy OLAP, business analytics quickly crossed the era of "ad-hoc" queries and turned into a tool with which you can quickly, in the most visual form, get complete information about the performance of an organization , analyze its work, determine the cause-and-effect relationship. New data processing technologies based on in-memory computing have made it possible to radically change the work with data. Modern business analysis systems open up the ability to quickly manage a company and individual business processes, based on the full amount of data that is generated by various information systems.

Sovtex is a partner of Qlik Tech, a leading manufacturer of modern BI tools.

In early 2017, a partnership was signed with Sisense Ltd. in the implementation of analytical solutions for Big Data analysis.


We offer services to help you achieve success with business intelligence:

·         Justification of the effectiveness of the implementation of the solution on your data. In rubles, dollars, days, percent, etc.

·         Development of a business intelligence concept for your company.

·         Design and design of analytical applications Elkview ,

·         Integration of data obtained from disparate sources in the BI-system.

·         Maintenance and development of the information system.

·         The holding of trainings.

·         Technical support for users.

·         Software licensing and technical support.

Contact us for a demonstration of the solution, and we will show you what can be achieved with business intelligence in the first meeting.


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