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7 things that will make you a fun story teller


Slow! Because before going to talk about how to tell a story, that is fun.

We have to start with the idea that "We want to tell a story." First, we need to adjust our Mindset. If you tell your friends, they will already know or be better than us. Don't be afraid that your friends will be better than us. Because having good friends around you is better than having bad friends around you.

At the heart of good storytelling is that we have to "know the truth" of the story first. Knowing the story to tell will allow us to tell the story with pleasure. Because it is already embedded in the brain, There is no need to memorize it and bring it back.

CREATIVE TALK would like to introduce 7 principles from the Masterclass and add to it the knowledge and ideas of our Founder, Keng Sitthiphong Sirimaskasem. It's like this.


Start by finding the Core Message.

Good storytelling has to be at the heart of storytelling. We want our listeners to know what we're talking about. Having a Core Message is like pinning a Google Map to know where we're going, what to talk about, and make our narrative have a goal. What did you hear?


Conflict is a good thing.

Although may view the storytelling as having to focus only on the story that we want to tell and support that content, we are talking about the opposite or the fact that is contrary to the content. It will make the story more real, and of course, no one thought that from the beginning. The stories told will only be one side.


The narrative path must be clear.

We may have many stories to tell. We might be off-topic. But having a clear path will keep both you and the listener from getting lost as well. Like pinning a destination in Google Maps, you may have 3-4 choices to get there. Ultimately, all paths will lead you to the same goal.


Try to share some firsthand experiences.

Sharing firsthand experiences will make your listeners feel connected. Know that the narrator is indeed knowledgeable. Through that narrative makes the narrative more credible.


Don't forget to connect with your listeners.

A story told if it can connect with the listener, regardless of occupation, age, favorite activities, will help the listener visualize it easily. and be immersed in the story.

Focus on clear goals

Sometimes we have many stories that we want to tell. Many times we were off-topic. Most importantly, it's not telling a lot of stories. The knowledge packed but how to tell the story so that the listener can remember So focusing on a clear goal. What would you like to tell the audience? What do you want your listeners to achieve is the most important thing?


learn from better people

Of course, we must always learn. Even storytelling Watching someone good at telling stories is important to us to improve our storytelling.

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